Robot Quadruped “Dingo”

Saw this referenced on a bunch of sites so I thought I’d take a look. It’s a great build but FYI aside from the software (ROS/DOCKER) and CAD files there really no other info so if you take up this project your on your own to work though any issues you have. However it’s a really good design and so far everything is working as expected. Also a BOM is provided so all components are at least referenced so you know what to source.

So far I have one leg working along with all the electronics so I can vouch for the functionality. It would be great of someone else is working on this model so I can bounce some ideas off them. If someone else is working on this or something like this please let m know.

Credit Due – Open Source Project provided by Alexander Calvert & Nathan Ferguson at Monash University



Nice! I have been wanting to do a quadruped for a while so I will have to take a look at some point - thanks for sharing!

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The great thing about the source code for the project is it’s all ROS and Docker. Your videos have helped me to no end when it comes to getting my robot functional.


I wonder if the ROS2 Hyperdog software could be easily adapted for that GitHub - NDHANA94/hyperdog_ros2: HyperDog is a quadruped robot which is fully based on ROS 2 and Micro-ROS

@CEB @JoshNewans Hey, I’m working on this robot along with a team. We got the codebase translated to ROS2 humble and got the simulation up and running. Let me know if you guys are interested in brainstorming in the hardware part of it with my team.