Discussion - SLAM on our robot with slam_toolbox (Making a Mobile Robot Pt 15)

Hi did you ever solve this issue? I am currently facing this problem and I am looking for a solution.

Did you every figure out the answer to this problem?

Hi, I want to run SLAM on robot only have two motor without encoders. me no odometry so how i can run SLAM on my robot. what type of changes i need to made in slamtoolbox having no odometry just rplidar ?

Hi Josh. First of all thank you for the tutorials they have been a great introduction to using ROS. I seem to have a problem with loading the slam map in rviz, itdoesnā€™t show up at all. Under Map, Message it says No map recieved and under Transfor it ays could not transform from [] to [map]. I have tried everything, from checking the publishing of the topics /map, /map to /odom, also the tf tree looks correct. I do not know what the problem may be. Thanks in advance.

did it solved? i also got this error

Hey Josh and everybody,
I donā€™t know if you ever read this or not :sweat_smile: but first thank you for the nice content. And second, I have 2 problems. I have searched for days and checked many underlying things, but couldnā€™t realize the solution.

  1. When I run the robot around, the whole map (obstacles detected by Lidar) turns around. It seems like the speed of the robot in Rviz is simply twice as in Gazebo. Later I realized that in Rviz, the odom frame and map frame are stuck together. And I think this might be the reason (?). I have followed your tutorial and I donā€™t know how to solve it.

  2. When I add the map topic in Rviz, I get a status warning, saying ā€œNo map receivedā€. When I echo the /map topic, nothing shows up. I donā€™t know why this topic is not being published.

@JoshNewans Your help, is much is greatly appreciated.

Anyone who can help is appreciated as well :slight_smile:



Iā€™ve been trying to put together what your video says with the official rplidar repository (GitHub - Slamtec/rplidar_ros), but Iā€™ve had a problem when trying to run Slam_toolbox, this because when I try to generate a map I keep getting that there is no map itself.

I want to make SLAM to be able to register a track in real time, thatā€™s why I never tried anything with gazebo or anything like that, however, I donā€™t know how to fix the problem.

The codes Iā€™m using to start things up are as follows:

Start lidar (once I run slam_toolbox it doesnā€™t generate me map):

"sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0 

source install/setup.bash

ros2 launch rplidar_ros view_rplidar_a1_lauch.py"

Run map (it generates the folders but I donā€™t get the lidar):

ros2 run rviz2 rviz2 -d /opt/ros/humble/share/nav2_bringup/rviz/nav2_default_view.rviz

Iā€™m getting this issue with my robot. Iā€™m not using a RPLidar though. My Lidar model is Litra-LTME02

Litra LTME02

Please take a look at the image



Iā€™m getting this error while running the slam_toolbox
[WARN] [1722247013.037882215] [slam_toolbox]: Failed to compute odom pose

and also this warning in rviz2
Warning: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame right_wheel at time 8.194000 according to authority Authority undetectable

How do I resolve this?
Thanks in advance!

I have a problem with SLAM. Everything works fine, but after some time, the map suddenly rotates by 80 degrees. This might be because Iā€™m using cingulum tracks and simulating them with a single central wheel. Sometimes, I notice that when the robot makes a 360-degree turn in the real world, it either makes a 360-degree turn in RViz, or, other times, the 360-degree turn in the real world is shown as a 400-degree turn in RViz.

I cant express how grateful I am. Tried everything I can and only this helped solve my problem.