Discussion - Changes for running mobile robot on Humble/Jammy

Hey M.josh
Thank you for the update. My question is, I would like to test this robot first by simply uploading the code you provided in the description of the YouTube video and following the steps and changes you made. I tried it, but the robot won’t move with either the ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard command or the ball tracker algorithm. It just keeps turning around the left wheel all the time. Should I rebuild it following your tutorial, or is there another solution? Thanks for replying.

Best regards,

Greetings, I’m trying to follow along the series as I design my own bot, but in Humble. Cloning articubot_one from git, I’m able to get everything running from a control standpoint, but the camera and laser topics do not launch when using “launch_robot.launch.py” script. The urdf’s for the camera and lidar load just fine in simulation, just no topics. When I watch the videos in the series, camera and lidar seem to be available in sim from that single launch command.

Question - are those all separate launch files, or does Foxy pull in packages by default that Humble would not?

Only the following topics load with sim:
