Discussion - Adding a Lidar to our Robot (Making a Mobile Robot Pt 8)

So in Gazebo simulation we used libgazebo_ros_ray_sensor.so plugin. As I understand this is some general plugin, not related to specific LiDAR sensor.

We said each LiDAR sensor has its own driver node, which is responsible for publishing scans to suitable topic. So that is mapping from reality to topic.

My question is:

If I want to use that specific LiDAR (with its specific driver node), how can I specify that driver node as plugin in Gazebo. Because for example I want to use that excact LiDAR in my Gazebo simulation, not some general plugin. I want to somehow include plugin which coresspond to that specific LiDAR sensor. How can include its driver node as plugin or similar.

I think this is important and it was not specified in video material or blog post. From my intuition each sensor should have its own plugin, because each sensor can have output different data, so it is important to have that data in simulation, because of the further work.


Hi josh.
I have a problem using rplidar.
I’m trying to launch ‘rplidar.launch.py’ and the Teminal always show an error like
[rplidar_node]: Error, operation time out. SL_RESULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT!
what should I do?, Is it the problem with the power resource?

I love your videos. They are very well made and very informative.
I’ve just started doing some 3D printing and I got the same Lidar as you for Christmas.
Can you post your CAD file so I can 3D print it? Thanks Terry

I wanted to confine the lidar scan range, to be in front of the robot only. Because the sides will be blocked off and i don’t want this data. How can this be done in the real robot, in simulation all we need to do is change the xacro file, if i am not wrong. My doubt is how to do this in the real robot.

Josh. I don’t recall if it was in this video or another, but I saw that you had a 3D printed stand for your LIDAR. Can you share the STEP file or show where it is posted on GIT? Thanks Terry Schumacher

Same error can someone please help